Why seed balls?

- Wildflower seed balls help pollinators and can help grow endangered wildflowers
- Garden with seed balls all year! Learn which plants to sow and when, and you'll be getting green in the dreary midwinter!
- Protects seeds from wind, birds, squirrels, and other critters.
- Easy dispersal means more uniform coverage.
- Little hands and old eyes struggle handling tiny seeds. Marble-sized seed balls eliminate this discouraging challenge.
- They're simply good, green, fun!
Garden with Wildflower Seed Balls All Year!
The r/K Continuum

From Ashes to Coconuts Biologists classify organisms in many ways: their taxonomy, their ecological niche, their mating habits. One fascinating classification scheme is called the r/K continuum. Two fine scientists, Robert MacArthur and E.O. Wilson (1967), developed the concept, which was popularized in the following decades. It is a spectrum…
Seed Balls and Birds
Iron in Clay Experiment
Planning a Seed Bomb Strike
Things you might not think about In order to maximize the effectiveness of your efforts and also prevent inadvertent damage to the environment, there are some steps to planning a seed bombing campaign that should be undertaken diligently. Location Seek out a location that is in need of native vegetation.…
Monika Maeckle, Butterfly Advocate

Monika Maeckle is a Master Gardener in South Central Texas. She is also one of the most articulate and enthusiastic Monarch advocates on the web. Her website,TexasButterflyRanch.com, is an amazing mix of well-written articles and commentary. Posts centered on the butterflies at all stages of life, these range from scientific,…
Palynologist, Dr. Eric Grimm

~J. B. from New York
"So far so good, well packaged and on time for planting. The company even gave me a place to email if I had problems. The seeds are in the ground and hopefully when summer comes I will have milk weed and Monarch butterflies everywhere!! Thank you so much!!"
~ J. A. H. from Alabama
"Love them bigger than expected,which is great! Easiest way to plant!"
~ A. D. from New Jersey
"Thank you so much for the package you sent! It is so lovely and delightful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am thankful for you!"
~M. P. from Indiana
"Unbelievable ! ! Ordered on 10-13 and received on 10-15, that's what I call speedy delivery. So glad I ordered from this seller. Will order again and will tell my friends. Packaging was perfect to protect my order. "
~C. B. from New York
"My friends are saying that I am "monarching" with all my seed planting and preaching milkweed . These seed balls are so easy to handle and plant. Love them !"
~B. J. H. from Mississippi
"I contacted the seller before I placed the order. They are very prompt with responses and knowledgeable about their products. I will definitely place another order with this seller. "
~K. L. D. from Michigan
"FAST SHIPPING. Great price. Comes w/planting instructions and is for a GREAT cause, help mother earths pollinators. WILL REORDER. THANK YOU "
~T. D. T. from Iowa
" I showed these to my neighbors (each of us has 40 semi-wooded acres) and they are enthusiastic... we are having a 'seed-bomb' party after the first rains... hope to get those monarchs in numbers next year! "
~D. M. from California