fundraiser email to school

Hi Emily,

We received your order for 15 Wildflower Seed Fundraiser Brochures.  It will be sent out to you today.  We at are here to totally support you.  Please tell me what you have in mind and the dates so that you and your students can have fun, raise money and run a fundraiser.

It is wonderful to see you have an Ag Science program at Lyman Hill High School.  Agricultural science and science education needs support in school programs.

Are you ready to move ahead on any orders?  Please feel free to email or call me with any questions you and your students have about seed-balls.  If you would prefer to talk on the phone, when is it best for you?  We are open 8 to 4 pm, Monday through Friday, Eastern Time.

My email and phone number is: Betsy@

814-239-0078 founder and owner, Dr. Blake Ketchum, will donate to your Ag Science department to promote a seed-ball making event.  She believes in advocating support of Science education in high schools.

A benefit for Ag Science students is they can raise money easier and faster than other products, because for every seed-ball pack they sell of $15. a student receives $5. – one of the best fundraisers discounts compared to other fundraiser products.  A recent story was students chose to sell seed-balls or pies to raise money for their school.  Seed-balls brought in more money for each student.

Thank you again.  Looking forward to help you get started.  We like to hear from you and answer any questions for you and your students at Lyman Hall High School Ag Science.

Best Wishes,

Betsy Nottingham







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