Butterfly Behaviors – cold, wind, rain, heat. or Bee and Butterfly Animal Behaviors and Flowers. Photos buckeye, monarch, black swallowtail butterfly

This article could also be a combo of butterfly and bee animal behavior related to flowers.



Butterflies animal behavior is very interesting. Article by Tracy Wilson.  Butterfly Kinesiology: Keeping Warm and Staying Aloft

title of each blogs and support with cited credit names and references.

Wind and rain damages butterfly wings.

Butterflies take shelter.

Butterflies roost at night.

Butterflies can not move muscles in wings when it is very cold.

Butterflies use color to ward off predators or chemicals, taste foul.

Butterflies sun and heat themselves up on rocks during the day.

Butterflies fly in short spurts, then rest and heat up again.

Butterflies Monarch fly an average of 12 mph.

Buckeye Butterfly on wet warm sandy soil. Photo Betsy Nottingham




Monarch Butterfly and bee sharing a swamp milkweed Photo Betsy Nottingham

Monarch Butterfly likes to be near water Photo Betsy Nottingham

Monarch Butterfly near water’s edge. Photo Betsy Nottingham

Black Swallowtail feeding on Aquilegia canadensis Eastern Columbine. Photo Betsy Nottingham



Black Swallowtail on Aquilegia canadensis Eastern columbine. Photo Betsy Nottingham

Monarch butterfly and wildflowers near lake. Photo Betsy Nottingham

monarch butterfly and wildflower. Photo Betsy Nottingham




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